Tuesday 27 December 2011

OCA Part 4 Project 4 Ex 2

This exercise has thoroughly confused me lol. The task was to take a piece of my writing, remove the 'adjectives' and replace them with 'descriptive nouns'.

Hmmmm.....now as I understand it a concrete noun is the name of a real thing or person: tree, rock, earth, water, sky, umbrella etc. An abstract noun is the name of a thought or emotion:love, hate, rage, compassion etc.

An adjective is a word that describes a noun: green, fur, long, rough, wet, trembling etc.

Sooooo if I have the phrase 'the purple umbrella' and I take out the adjective it becomes 'the umbrella'. How do I now add a descriptive noun in the adjectives place?

I've tried Googling 'descriptive nouns' and just keep getting directed to adjectives....

I seem to be going round in circles :(

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