Wednesday 21 December 2011

OCA Part 4 Project 3 Ex 2

The light floods the room and makes Kate scrunch up her eyes to avoid being blinded. Spencer jumps as he turns around.
'For fucks sake Kate, what the fuck are you doing sitting in the dark?'
He sits down in the armchair opposite hers and removes his shoes.
'I couldn't sleep' she lies.
He stares at her, intently, suspiciously. His eyes wandering from her face to her feet and back up again.
'Why are you fully dressed? And what fucking time is it anyway?'
Kate winces. She hated to hear him swear, it made him appear all the more menacing. Before she had time to answer his questions he demands another.
'Wheres Charlie?'
Panic rises in her chest but she does her best to sound calm.
'Hes in his room, asleep, and it's just gone two'
He stands up, swaying slightly, and peers at his watch.
'Yeah, well, i got talking, didn't realise the time'
Kate smiles and scoffs.
'Its ok Spencer, you can stop feeding me the crap. I know you've been with her. Sam called, just after 10, said you'd left your mobile at the restaurant'.
He searches frantically in his trouser pockets then picks up his suit jacket and pats it in places.
'Fuck,fuck,fuck!' he shouts.
'Shhhhhh, you'll wake Charlie' Kate pleads.
'I don't fucking give a shit.....I've lost my phone!'
Kate wants to laugh, how pathetic he looks, but knows what a mistake that would be.
He stops searching and looks up at her.
'Sam has got it, he'll drop it round in the morning'
He grunts and walks over to the sideboard, leaning against it for support.
'So why are you still dressed?' he asks.
Kate had spent the last 2 hours rehearsing this scene in her head. She was prepared for it and stood up, her hands behind her back.
' I can't do this anymore Spence.....I want you to leave'
Her heart pounds in her chest and her legs feel weak. She keeps telling herself to be strong, that she has to do this. She is determined he wont bully her into staying this time. He glares at her in disbelief.
'Yeah, right, if you say so Kate'
He wags his finger at her and slowly walks across the room.
'How many times have I told can leave anytime you fucking like darling, but Charlie stays with me'
The wagging finger turns into a point.
'If you take him.....I will hunt you down and I will fucking kill you!'

Kate stays rigid, frozen to the spot. The 5 foot coffee table is all that stands between them, her only defence. She chooses her words carefully before speaking.
'Spencer, we can't go on like this, it not good for Charlie. I don't love you anymore, you've killed that. Please, just go to Sams, and we'll talk tomorrow, when you're calmer'
She stands firm and manages to keep the emotion from her voice, but a tear escapes down her cheek. She wipes it away quickly with the back of her hand.
Spencer lunges across the coffee table but she manages to dodge his grasp.
'You fucking bitch!' he yells.
They swap positions. Kate sees his eyes flash with rage. She produces the mobile phone from behind her back and shows him the screen. She'd already entered 999 so that all she needed to do was tap the screen to connect the call.
'Please Spencer, just calm down....I'll call the police, I mean it'
'You fucking ungrateful bitch! All that I've given you? Look at this house Kate, your fucking clothes. There are women out there who would kill for your life, wonder what your fucking problem is' he laughs. 'You'll never leave me darling, you couldn't cope on your own'
Kate's resolve weakens. She's tired, scared, and concerned that Charlie could wake up any minute. She makes a last attempt to get him to leave, not knowing what she will do if he still refuses.
'Please Spencer, just go now..... I will call them'

Her finger hovers over the number on her phone screen.
Spencer grabs at her and as she pulls away he catches the bottom of her long flowing cardigan. Her instant reaction is to scream but nothing comes out. She tries to pull away but he's too strong and reels her in like a fisherman landing his catch. Sheer terror grips her and she lashes out with her hands, dropping the mobile phone onto the deep shag pile carpet. She embeds her perfectly manicured nails into his cheek. He gasps and lets go. She knows from bitter experience this will only make matters worse. Every muscle in her body is telling her to run from the house, but her solicitor had said under no circumstances was she to leave.

As she backs away he charges towards her and her hands brush against the fire irons. She grabs the poker and holds it out In front of her.
'Dont touch me!' she spits.
Spencer stands motionless and smirks.
'Oh Kate, really? You haven't got the fucking guts!' and with that he charges.
He grabs her around the waist as Kate raises the wrought iron bar and brings it down as hard as she can on her husbands semi bald head. Time seems to stop for a few seconds before Spencer's grip on her loosens and he falls to the ground.

Kate looks down and sees the blood spattered up her grey cashmere cardigan. She drops the poker and calmly steps over her husband to retrieve her mobile phone from the floor.

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