Friday 17 February 2012

OCA Part 5 Project 5 Ex 2 part 1

Choose an Archetypal Structure - a character from my notebook - a setting - makes notes on my ideas - a plot line to this piece.

Vince Moorcroft is 53 years old. He lives with his wife Patti and their 20 year old daughter Rose. They live in a large barn conversion nestled deep in the heart of the Kent countryside. Their 22 year old son Lee lives and works in New York.

Vince runs a successful construction company which he built up from scratch having left school with no qualifications. He started out as a labourer at 16 on a building site.

5 foot 8 with a stocky frame he is suffering from middle aged spread, but swims everyday in the heated outside pool he built himself a couple of years ago.

Born and bred in East London to working class parents he has a cockney accent and a cheeky attitude to go with it. Never afraid to stand up for what is right, as a teen he was always involved in fights, usually to stop bullies.

His father was an alcoholic, his mother took in people's washing to make ends meet. The small terraced house the family rented was full to bursting point5 boys all told, Vince is the youngest. He decided very early on that he didn't want to end up like his father who died in his early 50's from a heart attack. Vince is paranoid the same will happen to him so he doesn't touch alcohol (not a drop for 15 years), doesn't smoke and tries to eat healthily.

His mum is now in a nursing home, he visits her every week. Although, most of the time she doesn't even know who he is. He finds it upsetting.

In his spare time he plays golf and likes to take his 2 chocolate Labradors, Smor and Effie for long walks in the woods. He calls it his thinking time.

Quick tempered, he can be brash and moody. A bit of a sulker his wife says. His workforce consider him to be firm, but fair. A good sense for business and commanding presence, no one dares to rip him off.

He has a large nose, sparkling blue eyes and close cropped grey hair. He needs glasses for reading and wears trousers and shirts. He thinks he's too old for jeans now. He is charming and likeable.

He drives a Range Rover but has a motorbike sitting in the garage. A result of his midlife crisis in his mid 40's. Now, it gets little use.

Away from home at least 1 night a week he likes to check on the workers, prides himself on the reputation he has built up over the last 20 years.

He is a huge Elvis fan.

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